Happy Birthday, Walt Disney!
Walt Disney was born on this day, December 5, in 1901. As anyone who knows me or reads this blog is aware, he is an idol of mine, and such a huge inspiration, for his unbridled imagination, firm belief and proof that dreams can come true, and tremendous vision. I am simply in awe of his legacy to this world.
In my blog I shine the light on wonderful memories of Walt Disney World and how it makes me feel so connected to my mom and to Ben, and for that I will always be grateful.
When I first began this blog, in celebration of Walt’s birthday, I put together just a few of his quotes that are special to me. I turn to them when I need some inspiration, and I’d like to present them as an annual tribute to his brilliance on his birthday!
“That’s the real trouble with the world. Too many people grow up.”
My mom loved Disney and was also a child at heart. I got that spirit from her. I think it’s always important to retain our sense of whimsy and wonder. It helps to stay optimistic and to be creative in problem solving.

My parents with Mickey in 1987
“People who have worked with me say I am ‘innocence in action.’ They say I have the innocence and unself-consciousness of a child.”
People might say that I am sometimes a bit of a Pollyanna in my innocence, but it’s who I am. Yes, I do get disappointed sometimes, and I have learned to balance innocence with a need to protect myself, but I believe that this quality enables me to see possibilities and to fantasize in a healthy way.
“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever.”
Agreed. The perfect quote. It was a mindset Ben and I needed as he dealt with ALS. It’s a favorite quote that continues to lead me forward and allows me to stay a child at heart no matter the grown-up challenges I face.
“The greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievements but rather with the things we do for the people we love and esteem.”
I think that every caregiver would wholeheartedly agree with that.
“I hope we never lose sight of one thing-that it was all started by a mouse.”
“Why be a governor or a senator when you can be king of Disneyland?”
Given the current state of the country, I’d opt for a position at Disneyland!

October 2019 next to Walt and Mickey. My first time back at WDW without Ben. I still found the magic and the laughter.
Happy Birthday, Walt, the consummate child at heart! Thank you for all you’ve given to me and the legacy you’ve left to the world.

My cat, Disney, celebrating Mr. Walt’s birthday, along with Duffy (X 2) and Eeyore!